Choosing Calls, Zoom, Google Meet or In Person Meetings

You can choose how you want to hold your meetings in SimpleClient. The options for meeting with prospects and clients are:

  • Phone call
  • In person
  • Zoom or other web conference
  • Google Meet (native functionality for Google Calendar users
  • Custom meeting type

When creating editing a meeting type you will be able to choose which meeting option you want from a drop down window:

Phone Call Meetings

When you create a new meeting it will default to a phone call meeting. When this option is selected you can either choose to call the prospect or client at the scheduled time, or have the prospect or client call you at whichever number you designate.

Simply select which option you prefer, then input any additional required information such as phone number you want to receive the call at and save the changes.

If you choose to call the person scheduling the appointment, you simply select "You will call client" from the drop down and the calendar link that the client sees will ask for which number they would like to receive the call at.

Zoom and Other Web Conferences

If you want to have certain meetings via Zoom you simply select the Web Conference option from the drop down menu. From there, you can copy and paste your personal meeting room Zoom link into the Zoom link field. The same thing would apply for other web conference software such as Microsoft Teams, Webex and others. You can then also copy and paste additional instructions as necessary.

You can then click on save changes.

Please note that you only need to do this once. Every time this meeting option is used going forward, it then schedule the meeting and provide all users with the web conference link so that you can join the meeting from your calendar.

Google Meet Meetings

If you use G-Suite for your business applications, then you have a native integration with Google Meet. To use Google Meet as your preferred web conference software, then you select Google Meet from the dropdown options and save your changes. There is nothing more required. When a meeting is booked using this option, the calendar invite will include a link to Google Meet for your meeting.

In Person Meetings

For in person meetings, you can select that option from the drop down menu. When you do, you will be prompted to input the address that you want to meet a prospect at along with any additional instructions.

If you have multiple offices, or rent multiple conference rooms to meet clients, it is helpful to create a new meeting type for each location you may use to meet clients. That way, you can send your prospect or client the link that contains the specific location that you want without having to email follow up instructions to them.

Once you input the location information and any special instructions, you click save changes.

Custom Meetings

SimpleClient also allows you to create custom meeting locations. You might use this for taking consultations with prospects or clients who use Teletypewriters (TTY), Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD) and Text Telephones (TT) or any other special application not listed above.

To use this feature, select it from the dropdown and provide any special instructions that you need the recipient to receive when booking a time with you.

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